Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Start of 2009 with a BANG! or not?

Hello hello friends, brothers, sisters and all people who follow this blog. We've been having trouble with our writers, mainly a strong sense of idleness as well as a failed muse. However we have located this malfunctioning thought spark and fixed it so we should be seeing an exponential increase in the activity of all writers as well as the readers. Honestly the reader comments are one of my favorite parts of this blog as they provide such great feedback to all of our entries. Thank you readers for your amazing contribution.

That was what our higher ups told me to tell you guys, so once again I apologize for the delay. This is John Lim and I hope you guys have been looking forward to the re launch of this blog. We might actually see a site layout change possibly so be excited for that.
Quick thing I wanted to share with you before I exit today. I was actually eating a french toast this morning when I had a revelation. Now I warn you I may be wrong but I believe that I may be right. And so as I was eating this french toast, I was thinking it would be nice to have a butler cook me my breakfast, wheel me around my house in my chair and other great tasks such as pouring water for me after getting me my cup. And all that thought eventually led me to thoughts about Alfred. I decided I'd also like a butler who gave great pep talks and tales of far far lands. But then I realized a troubling fact. In Batman: The Dark Knight, Commisioner Gordon tells Batman that he could not cover up two dead cops as well as all the other shit Two Face did while he was walking around as if he were the terminator. If those two dead cops refer to the cops that he confronted, only one of them actually died. The cop in the bar gets shot, but the chick latina cop just gets hit the fuck out with the end of a pistol. NO BANG FOR HER. This is in reference to the title of the entry. (haha). And so that led me to believe it was a movie blooper. Please comment on this so I may know if I am wrong or right.
And so it begins again. THE CRAZINESS! Thanks for taking me back ya'll.
it's come to my attention that we have 13 followers. that's unlucky. someone invite a friend, pet, relative or somtehing so we can pass that roadblock.


Susanna said...

that butler fantasy sounds like it might lead to a whole wall-e situation
and wow, you've caught one of the major cinematic conundrums, the consequence of the pistol-head butt. it has always bothered me subconsciously!

HAPPY 2009

Unknown said...

maybe he was making a joke about how he faked his own death.

Dustin Kim said... says,
"Incorrectly regarded as goofs: SPOILER: On top of Gordon making a statement about Two-Face's killings when he would've been far too busy to know what Two-Face was up to, his numbers are also off. He claims that Two-Face killed five people and that two were cops. Two-Face only kills three people: Wertz, Maroni, and his driver. Of the three, only Wertz was a cop. However, it is possible that Harvey has been blamed for the assumed killing of the nurse (whose outfit Joker steals) and the cop (killed by Joker whilst he is wearing this outfit). Therefore we now have five killed, two of them cops."

ooyeoj said...

i heard john lim's a cutie pie.

enycetoutou said...

very good explanation dustin. ill agree with you on that. i feel like maybe christopher nolan had something to do with perhaps christian bale being in the new terminator. i mean im only thinking of this because john mentioned two face going around killing people like the terminator

Patricia Lee said...

Have Sunny-in-Boots sign up.
Arf arf!