Monday, March 30, 2009

Movie Weekend

And so now it's around that time of year when all the good movies have already come out or are planning to come out at a time so far off that we aren't actually waiting eagerly for their release. And so Hollywood bombards us with loads of crap to keep us going to the theaters just because we haven't seen a movie in a while.
In fact I actually heard this conversation yesterday.

James: hey Jone what are you doing this weekend.
Jone: I don't know I'm thinking about going to eat at "_____________"(I'm taking offers from restaurants or small places of food consumption to fill this empty line. Cheap advertisements start here! contact me at or leave a comment with your phone number)
James: Want to go see a movie? We haven't seen one in a while.
Jone: That sounds like a great idea. What should we watch?
James: I don't know why don't we go check They usually have some good information about things that their readers need.

And HOW RIGHT JAMES WAS! After sifting through the crap that was put out, I did find a few gems here and there. Here are the top 3 movies that I would recommend going to see this week.
NOTE TO READER: I have not actually seen any of these movies. Ratings may change later this week.
1. Monsters vs. Aliens 3-d
First of all I want to give a shout out to the creators of AVP. Here is a better version of all the movies you have ever created. I actually haven't seen any of them but an animated movie about a girl who grows enormously after being "clobbered" by space goo and is eventually named "Ginormica" is a tough concept for any movie to beat. Many a time when I see movies such as these come out where it's just ridiculous idea after another meshed together into one ginormic (failed pun attempt) film, I feel like it's a project that the team here at omegapsoa could've come up with. Ever since I've seen Kung Fu Panda, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo and even Shark Tale, my faith in the entertainment value of animated films has sky rocketed. Go watch this with anyone and I guarantee you'll have a good time.

2. Fast and Furious
First of all, the originality of all the titles of this series amazes me. First we had "The Fast and The Furious". Then we had "2 Fast 2 Furious", "The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift". And now we have "Fast and Furious". Who comes up with these titles?! We may never know, but one thing is clear, this guy is a genius. Perhaps he is the guy responsible for naming all of Jason Statham's movies as well. Jordana Brewster is also something to look forward to as we didn't really get to see her in the first film and judging from the picture to the left, she is clearly looking forward straight into her future as "that chick from those movies where the cars drove fast and stuff man!" However, even with all these great things to look forward to, I think the one thing the movie has going for it is its nostalgic value. I wouldn't be surprised to see lines and lines of people starting to street race again because of this film just like they did 8 years ago when the first one came out. truly a film worthy of social revolution.

3. knOwing
First of all, Nicolas Cage has the knack of making the "most ridiculous movie plots ever" believable. National treasure one AND two anyone? But I do love the actor of "face off" "con air" and "the family man" and I believe in his ability to make any movie entertaining. This movie is about a man who discovers a list of numbers and immediately associates them with a chronological list of all the world disasters to happen. Clearly the same guy from national treasure has jumped into "knowing". I mean how smart is this guy. Had i seen that number full of papers I would'nt have come close to doing anything with it. Maybe use it as a sandwhich wrapper. Even that would be outlasting its purpose. Either way I'm convinced it'll be entertaining at the very least. I also have to support the man who is currently boning one of my people around the same age as me. Yes I am willing to go there to make this post a bit more entertaining. Good going nick!
Originally I planned on doing a top 5 but I got lazy so I made it a top 3. I would recommend "I love you, man" for those already dating a girl and "The Haunting in Connecticut" for those who want to be dating the girl they are bringing. But if you are afraid of scary movies then you should probably bring a pair of "tinted glasses" that are actually just regular sunglasses and flex the entire movie to bring about that false sense of security to the girl you are accompanying.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i know

I know I know youre probably thinking no not this again. I can't deal with your false promises again! But then again, promises over the internet shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. That's how people lose money. Anyway, me and Dustin have decided to resuscitate the blog even though it had a DNR form lying on it. We promise 4 entries a week every week for a month. And from then on we'll make another oath to you the people as promises are not enough anymore. Look forward to it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hello again.

hello everyone. I will not lie I am guilty as charged. I have been hiding away in a land not so far away from you all to escape the scrutiny and expectation that comes with being a writer. I was bombed out though and so here I am. ohh herro!

Today I was sitting in burger king and reminiscing about better times when I remembered that BK used to sell tacos. I actually called a few people to see if I could get any confirmation of this fact, and the responses I got ranged from "you're a lunatic" to "you're stupid". And so with not much encouragement and a heavy heart I began to wonder if perhaps the burger king taco vision that I had was nothing but a falsity.

But lo and behold....
And so I once again realized that my memory for great and awesome things would never fail me ever. And for those who doubt me I tell you that I am not to be doubted!

And so I write this eulogy to the burger king taco.
You were so good my friend. I am sad to see that you have now gone where I can no longer consume you. Rest in Peace until next time.
Maybe Taco Bell is going to come out with burgers! And pizza hut with chicken nuggets?!?! And McDonalds with Pizza? I mean dominoes has already started making baked subs. What is going to happen next?!?!
I can only dream friends. Dream of the great creations that will come out that are not that original in themselves, but "with a glass eye" (dunno if thats a legitimate expression", they are the most original things to have happened in fast food history!