Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Movies describe life

First of all I wanted to commend encyetoutou for his commitment to this blog. Love you man. Even when I give up you still are there commenting diligently. Let's all give him a hand clap in our heart.
Second order of business. It's been brought to my attention that I need an alias. And so from now on I will refer to myself as the "postmaster". Because I always deliver. YES! That and its a bad pun involving me being a deliverer as well as a master of posting. Suits me perfectly.

Third order of business. It has also been brought to my attention that I am lazy and full of false promises so I offer you today the first legitimate post of the year from me.
I realize that writing in a blog, it's hard to come up with content all the time. When the muse is upon me, I am not near a computer, when I'm attempting to write a blog the muse leaves. And so I decided that from now on I'm going to come up with a battle plan for what's going to be coming every week. So feel free to comment on what else you'd like me to write about but so far it looks like this week is going to break down into these subjects.

Tomorrow, we'll be talking about recent paranormal phenomenon happening in the world today along with look alikes and other random stuff. Be excited to hear about the craziest shit happening in the world and what I think about it. And believe me. It's not gonna be good for the phenomenons. Either that or I'm personally gonna be blown away. Highly doubt it though.

The day after tommorow we'll be talking about, "the day after tommorow". Or the global weather crisis. I know I know it's been talked about way too much, but with the weather getting so dam freaky, I believe its an issue that must be dealt with and dealt with quickly. The more people think about it, the greater the chances are that it won't happen, or it'll happen after we're dead. Which I'd be completely okay with.
Edit: Just after I wrote this post it started snowing. Phenomenon?!?! Involving John?

And we'll end the week talking about human trafficking. I actually recently saw Taken and was really impressed with it. It makes me almost want to join the government and almost want to have a daughter taken away so I can do that shit too. BUT. I don't want this so don't hold this against me! And if you want to take my daughter away, I don't got one you human trafficker! So fuck you! haha. But seriously. Human trafficking is a serious issue and deserves a serious opinion and a serious view on it. And because I'm such a serious guy with a serious view of life, I'll seriously be talking about this serious issue... Seriously.

I would blog on Sunday but it's the sabbath so I'm not allowed to. Sorry dudes. But I do encourage all of you to comment on Sunday. I may be commenting on myself as well. So that's the future look for this week, Maybe dustin'll write a little something. Maybe warren will. Maybe ken will. And if you want to, email me at and I'll let you know if you can. If it sucks I'll tell you how terrible it is and you can try harder next time.

Thanks guys!

-The Postmaster


Ken Jin said...

i have no faith that you will be able to stick to your plan.

Postmaster said...

oh yea well you're gay!

Warren Li said...

what a Fagittarius.

Dustin Kim said...

Warren is the win. I love it.

Susanna said...

i love the posts where you tell us what you will be posting.

enycetoutou said...

i think human trafficking is indeed a serious issue. i remember those lethal weapon movies when they found tons of chinese ppl rammed in a metal container so they can sneak to america. its horrible.