Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I was looking up recent phenomena and all of them are kind of dumb. There was one about a woman who heard voices and smelled dog poop. And so I decided that it was a stupid topic to talk about anyway. Well what really happened was I got caught up playing WoW and so I didn't really do all of my research. Sorry guys, it won't happen again. 

I realize that I'm better at planning to do things than actually doing them. This is pretty evident from how I love writing entries about what I'll write about, but when I'm fulfilling that promise I find it such a burden. But for you guys, anything to make up for our lost time together. 

Also there aren't really many jokes to crack about phenomena. Theyre just crazy ass shit that happen in our everyday lives. Sometimes they are interesting such as U.F.Os and Bigfoot, sometimes they are scary like people disappearing, or people who just know where you are. Btw I've met one of those people who can just pinpoint locations and believe me, it is pretty mindboggling.
As I was trying to recall what it is that led me to talk about this, or even want to talk about this, I couldn't remember exactly what my train of thought was but I do know that I went head first into it without a plan. WAIT A SECOND! JUST FOUNND SOME CRAZY ASS SHIT!

It is called the 100th monkey phenomenon. Let me lay it out for you. So there are 99 monkeys on an island. One monkey learns that washing his piece of sweet potato in the river makes it less disease oriented and makes for a longer life. He then teaches monkey number 2 how to wash the sweet potatos in order to help his buddy monkey number 2 also live a healthier life. Soon after, the entire island of 99 monkeys get taught by each other to wash their potatos for the
sake of good public health. However, a human scientist comes and says "Hey man. There's 99 monkeys. Let's just drop 1 in to make an even 100". And So the 100th Monkey is added to the peaceful colony of 99 monkeys. The monkeys soon befriend him and teach him the way of their island. For this is an island with good hygeine! And so he learns how to clean sweet potatoes as well effectively making him part of this monkey community. As soon as he does this however, monkeys on different islands all over the world begin to start washing their sweet potatos and this sweet potato washing trend, becomes a world monkey movement, all because of that one extra monkey.

Watson alleged that the scientists were "reluctant to publish [the whole story] for fear of ridicule." He wrote that he had "to gather the rest of the story from personal anecdotes and bits of folklore among primate researchers, because most of them are still not quite sure what happened." (Taken from whowever this Watson is. It's a quote from somewhere I give credit where credits do I do not take any credit for this).
Hell if I said something like that too I would be all afraid to publish my thoughts. Hell that's like saying that The Knicks are good, or that  Warren's straight or even the forbidden I actually did your mother, mother joke. Either way, it's ridiculous and things like this happening makes me feel that the world I'm living in is a huge farce. And I love it. 

Phenomenons. What a wonderful world.
-The Postmaster


Susanna said...

this was strangely uplifting


Susanna said...

and site redesign! nice!

Unknown said...

John stop calling yourself The Postmaster, please.

Dustin Kim said...

Haha, John I told you'd be the only one who'd find that cool/funny/[any positive adjective]. And you probably shouldn't set plans that you aren't gonna follow.

Ken Jin said...

i was so right about you john.

enycetoutou said...

lol good one on the warren comment. although, im still pondering how the rest of the monkey's in the world learned to wash their potatoes if all the 100 monkeys were trapped on a island without teaching other monkeys.