Thursday, December 11, 2008


Hey guys I'm pretty swamped with finals particularly organic chemistry. DUN DUN DUN!!!!

And so I apologize for the lack of activity but I assure you that we'll be back up and running after the 15th. And after the 13th there will be a lengthy entry to satisfy your desire for ridiculous banter. Anyway for today let me tell you a story about.... today.

So I was singing This Christmas at Barnes and Noble, Not the Donny Hathaway version but the Chris Brown version. And for those of you who dont know Chris Brown has the ill multiple notes in one word quick voice change technique. So I was at this really intense part, "Caroling through the night" the second or third time he does it I believe, and this guy walking behind me on the escalator just stopped walking. And so I looked at him, he looked at me. And I continued to sing. You might be thinking, dam John you can't sing loud in public places. But I tell you this. I was singing in a relatively soft voice but because of the intensity of the part and the height of the notes, I had to be louder than I planned to be.

And with that I introduce... Chris Brown.

I ask you to notice particularly the third and second caroling through the night and imagine me on an escalator quietly but loudly singing that part. Then imagine you as a random middle aged man staring at me. Just imagine it. 
I was watching the music video and I love it. Mad funny. Especially the part when the christmas lights turn on because of Chris Brown's amazing abilities. I wish I can do that. I remember we were gonna lip sync this MV just because that part was awesome. Things to notice, the girl next to Chris Brown in the family dinner scene is hot and I dance like Chris Brown when I'm at home. Especially the spin moves. 

With that I leave you today. Good luck with finals. Don't suck.


enycetoutou said...

good shit john good luck to you too, organic chemistry sucks.

Susanna said...

that is a good video.
didn't we see that movie together?
merry christmas john